
Atlanta, Ga. - Indus International Inc., supplier of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software solutions, October 23 introduced Indus InSite, a pure-internet software solution offering a full range of asset management solutions that are global across all industries and scalable to all business sizes.

经过高级编辑Gary A. Mintchell 2001年10月29日

Atlanta, Ga. –印度国际公司,企业资产管理(EAM)软件解决方案的供应商,10月23日推出了Indus Insite,这是一种纯粹的Internet软件解决方案,提供了各种资产管理解决方案,这些解决方案全球范围全球,并且可扩展到所有业务规模。


Indus Internation的总裁兼首席执行官Kent Hudson说:“ Indus Insite使我们能够利用25年的EAM经验和愿景的力量缩短软件投资的回报时间。”‘多年来,我们在研发方面超越了竞争对手,并授权数百家公司通过我们的战略EAM产品和服务来节省数十亿美元。Indus Insite是一种全新的产品,将我们的企业资产管理功能扩展到全新的,工作链和供应链密集型客户群。我们已经在沙子上画了一条线,并将EAM卓越的度量提高到了其他竞争对手无法接触的水平。’

据资深分析师霍顿勒罗伊,的ARC Advisory Group, Indus InSite supports many collaborative features that are in demand. ‘InSite is an innovative next generation solution for collaborative asset lifecycle management (CALM) that will maintain the company’s leadership role in the marketplace. The new product supports many new features such as an easy to use graphical interface, standard Web browser access from anywhere, real-time key performance indicators for continuous improvement, and an advanced search capability with dynamic language translation for global collaboration. InSite sets new standards for measuring and achieving true asset optimization.’

Indus Insite是一种基于组件的托管解决方案,是由Indus与行业领先的软件合作伙伴和供应商合作开发的。区分增值功能包括:

  • 实时关键绩效指标主动显示性能和服务水平,

  • 允许用户快速定义,维护和更改关键工作流程组件的业务流程引擎,

  • 协作工作环境支持PDA,智能手机和其他无线设备等普遍计算设备,

  • 基于内容的搜索引擎,以及

  • internationalization with customizable linguistics capability.

Indus is scheduled to launch Indus InSite in North America in Q4 2001.
